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London Marathon Elevation

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Running a marathon is tough enough without the ‘pleasure‘ of hills so this blog is for you if you’ve recently asked How hilly is the London Marathon? or Is the London Marathon flat?

This blog forms part of a mini series of London Marathon blogs and a Marathon Preparation Checklist, you can read these here…

… and you can download the free Marathon Preparation Checklist here

For now though, how hilly is the London Marathon route? I've put some numbers and graphs below, but a word of warning this is from my own GPS so may differ from others but will be broadly!

In summary the elevation is nothing to worry about, that's an understatement really, as it is flat, very flat.

Here is the elevation map from when I did it, I've also split it down in to 5 mile blocks so you can see the smaller increases and decreases. I've also included the starting elevation on each.

The first 2 mile are pretty flat, then you have about a mile of gentle decline and then stay down there other than a few pulls up, the elevation gain after the 3 miles only goes from averaging around 20ft to a gaining 100ft around mile 19.


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Start to mile 5

Mile 5 to mile 10

Mile 10 to mile 15

London Marathon elevation

Mile 15 to mile 20

London Marathon elevation

Mile 20 to mile 26.2

Good luck if Running the London Marathon this year. Please share this blog with anyone you know who is doing it.


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Read our other related Marathon blogs…

This blog forms part of a mini series of London Marathon blogs and a Marathon Preparation Checklist, you can read these here…

… or download you copy of our Marathon Preparation Checklist here.

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